The Aardsma Weekly
February 10, 2008
Writer: Rachel Aardsma
An Interview With Matthew
Well, here we go for the last interview in my sibling interview series. Frankly, I'm sad this is over. I've really enjoyed a break from writing something new every week. I've also had quite a few good article ideas while my brain has had a chance to rest!
This interview is with Matthew. You all should thank him for actually doing this...he really didn't want too. Beka and I cornered him one night in his room while he was innocently doing algebra. Some of his answers are a bit wacky (and math-related), but I'm just glad he actually gave answers to all my questions! Of course, Beka did sort of answer for him a few times when he put his notebook over his head and said, "I don't know! Why in the world are you asking me?"
Matthew's Interview
1: How old are you?
I am 17.
2: What grade are you in?
3: What is your favorite food?
Apple pie.
4: What is your favorite color?
5: What is your favorite subject in school?
One of Matthew's favorite things to do is deer hunting. Here he is all decked out in camo for a hunt on Christmas Day. Photo by Mom.
6: What do you like best about our family?
I like living in the country.
7: Describe your normal day.
Get up, work, go to bed.
8: What jobs do you have around the house?
Anything and everything.
9: Do you have a pet?
Yup. I own a dog. His name is Buddy, and he is a Shetland Sheep Dog.
Matthew's dog, Buddy, showing off the 'Canine Good Citizen' ribbon he and Matthew won at a dog training class near here. Photo by me.
10: What do you like least about our family?
That they aren't like dogs.
11: Which season is your favorite and why?
Fall, because the work slows down and the weather is still nice enough to do stuff outside.
12: What is your favorite animal and why?
Probably dogs, because dogs are happy to see you when you come home and are usually loyal and cheerful.
13: What is your favorite thing to do and why?
My favorite thing to do is to work with our local vet, because I enjoy working with the animals.
14: What is your favorite book and movie?
My favorite author is Jane Austen. I don't know about a movie, I haven't seen one in about a year.
15: Do you have a hobby, and if so, what is it?
My hobby is working with animals.
16: If you could own any animal, what would it be and why?
I'd raise pheasants, because I think they are a neat bird.
Matthew was an usher in David's wedding this past June. He looked so nice in his tuxedo! Photo by me.
17: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do?
I would stay right here and get my math done!!
18: What do you want to be when you grow up and why?
Well, first I have to grow up and then I'll tell you.
19: What is your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas. I don't know why.
20: Anything you would like to say to my readers in closing?
6.02 times 10 to the 23rd. See if you can remember what that is!
The Weekly Bible Verse
Psalm 47:1-2: Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth!
Bits and Pieces
Not much has happened this week. Everything has been pretty normal. I guess the biggest excitement has been the new chairs Mom bought for the living room... However, we have a couple neat projects in the works that I hope to share with you all soon.
It appears both the cat and the dog enjoy the new chairs, and I'm glad to see that for once they are getting along! Photo by me.
For a long time I have wanted to make movies. Not necessarily big movies, but just edited home videos. About eight years ago we purchased a Canon video camera, and it has gotten its fill of use at weddings, reunions, births, and parties. I knew I could make movies pretty easily, if only I had some way of getting the footage from the camera into my computer. I have a little editing program that came with my computer, and I have already made several things on there using pictures.
Since we're showing pictures of pets today I can't resist putting this adorable picture of my cat in. This is one of my all-time favorite photos of her. Photo by me.
After doing a lot of research, puzzling over foreign terms in the video camera booklet, and digging through boxes of old computer cables and plugs, I decided to talk to Dad about some way of connecting the camera and my computer. He, of course, knew what to do. After more research, puzzling over foreign terms in other booklets, and digging through more boxes of old cables, we found what we needed. It was old stuff, though, and I was very amused to see that Dad actually had to take the back off of my computer and install a new 'board'. It worked, however, and I am now in movie-editing business. I have already made one tiny movie as a test, and I am ready to try a longer one. Dad says we will see about posting the completed movies on this website. I hope we can do it! In any case, I should learn a lot.
A Word About The Weather
It has snowed, rained, melted, frozen up, sleeted, hailed, and thunder-stormed this week. We have definitely had plenty of variety! Some days it feels like spring, and others it feels like we've skipped a few continents and are residing it Antarctica.
A Word of Wisdom
One of the most depressing sights in the world is an empty Inbox---three days running.