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This page last updated 2006/02/22
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Saturday, November 06, 1999

Dear Sisters,

First, a few items of business:
1. Bound VOLUME 4 and the new cumulative INDEX are here at last!
2. As is our custom each year at this time, until December 31, 1999, a discount of $3 applies to every gift subscription you order. Please note that this offer is restricted to new subscriptions only, but any number of new gift subscriptions at this special price may be ordered---simply attach your list.
3. Yes, the Christmas harp tape featuring my daughter Jennifer playing tradional Christmas carols is still available.

Many readers have written expressing their sincere appreciation of The Mother's Companion this past year. Though I do not have time to answer every letter, I appreciate them all so much. Gerald and I do read each one personally, and we try to respond to every expressed need. Please do write if the Spirit urges you to do so; your words of encouragement are a vital part of this home ministry.

Several have asked us what we think of Y2K and all that. A number of subscribers have written saything they won't be able to renew this year because they're spending all their money on Y2K preparations just now. I suppose if any computer has good reason to stumble over the incoming millennium, our aged 486 office computer does. But Gerald says not to worry. He says, "the only thing to fear is fear itself". So I fully expect the January/February 2000 issue to be as on time in your mailbox as the January/February 1999 issue was. Until then...

Do not grow weary of doing good.
(2 Thessalonians 3:13b)


Helen E. Aardsma

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