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This page last updated 2006/02/08
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Friday, May 05, 2000

Dear Sisters,

What a gorgeous spring we are having! It has been unusually dry, which is not great for the farmer's field crops, but it has been wonderful for us Illinois moms. No mud! I am enjoying all the usual delights of Spring---laundry swaying in the sparkling sunshine, the laughter of children chasing each other across the lawn, fresh asparagus, rhubarb pie, apple blossoms, fragrant lilacs---all without having to scrape mud from shoes, feet, floors, and carpet! And as an added special bonus, no tornadoes this year too!

I am a grandmother now! My bright, beautiful, wonderful, adorable, precious, fantastic grandson is named Joshua Steven Hall. (At least he looks all those things in the few fuzzy pictures of him I've seen so far.) Jennifer and Steve had their first baby on March 10. The birth was....well, no wonder we grandmothers go gray. There's no room to go into it all here, but I'm planning to fill you in on the ambulance ride and all the rest in the September/October issues. Jennifer and Joshua are both doing great.

The summer is shaping to be a busy one. We are looking forward to visits from relatives in June and Mark's wedding July 1, which will be here in Illinois. In addition Gerald will be going to Israel for two weeks, speaking and doing some archaeological field work in connection with his research in Biblical chronology.

Well, busy schedules, never ending work loads, children squabbling at the dinner table, financial strains, health concerns, and all the rest can send the peace of our homes flying out the window if we let them. Let us remember to turn to our Refuge, the Master of the storm, Who has said:

Peace I leave with you.
(John 14:27a, NASB)


Helen E. Aardsma

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