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This page last updated 2006/02/03
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January 2, 2002.

Dear Sisters,

I can hardly believe we are entering our 8th year of publishing The Mother's Companion. What a priviledge and joy it has been to minister to you, dear sisters.

By the time you get this newsletter it will be January 2002! But as I type this, we are in the middle of the holidays and things are in a state of high excitement. We have been working frantically to get the addition finished by Christmas. We didn't quite make it, but we did get much of it finished. I moved into my brand new walk-in double closet and my new bedroom last week. I'm so thrilled! Matthew's room and my added kitchen space should be completed by mid-January. I'm so thankful for God's provision of this much needed space.

Jennifer, Steve and Joshua are here for the holidays and we're having a great time together. What joy to watch Joshua (18 months) toddling around and even playing with me.

How precious family is! What wonderful memories are in the making as all 16 of us (not to mention my darling, new grandson, Nathan [4 months]) gathered together for meals, singing and fellowship. (My house is a disaster, but who cares? My family is all here and I can catch up later!)

Even though my heart is over-flowing with joy, there is some pain there too; pain for loved ones and friends who are experiencing broken hearts and broken homes. Loved ones who are straying from the home and from the Lord. Burdens greater than we can bear. But.....

....let us therefore draw near with confidence (BOLDLY!) to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16


Helen E. Aardsma

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